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Generic Traffic Management Plans Vs Site-Specific Management Plans

May 22, 2024
Site Specific Management Plan

Every project is different, including construction projects. While they all require their own measures and solutions, they also have some things in common. A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a responsibility to ensure a safe workplace, regardless of the industry. On a construction site, this applies to not only dangers like falls and equipment-related risks but also the hazards associated with traffic.

Traffic is an ever-present fixture on Australian construction sites. Depending on the size, location, and nature of the project, you may have to contend with delivery vehicles coming and going, trucks moving materials onsite, and managing interferences with the public’s regular routes—and that’s just for starters.

Working on or near a public road is considered high-risk construction work and involves additional risks. As a PCBU, there are some steps you need to take, including writing a safe work method statement (SWMS), contacting your local road authority for advice and putting together a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP).

A CTMP is crucial for maintaining safety on your construction site. It’s a document that is generally customised to your specific needs and subject to change as conditions change. Yet sites with simple set-ups and safety requirements may opt for generic CTMPs. The larger in scale and more unique your project is, the more likely it is you’ll need a site-specific traffic management plan.

Is a site-specific traffic management plan better? Perhaps you suspect it would be the superior option for you, regardless of your project’s scale.

What Is a Site-Specific Traffic Management Plan?

Site-specific management plans are traffic management plans that take into account the unique conditions and requirements of a particular construction site or project. What is a construction traffic management plan? It’s a plan that analyses and assesses construction developments and their impact on the surrounding road network and traffic flow. This plan explains how risks will be managed on the worksite, and it can include details such as:

  • The designated travel paths for vehicles, including entry and exit points and haulage routes for materials.
  • Designated loading and unloading areas for delivery drivers.
  • Travel paths on routes remote from the site, including side roads and places to dump materials and turn around.
  • Traffic control measures for expected interactions, including drawings of signs, barriers and walkway layouts.
  • Measures for larger-than-average vehicles and special vehicles such as mobile cranes.

Site-specific traffic management plans take into account factors like traffic volume, pedestrian activity, the length of the job, and any site-specific dangers or constraints. Site-specific CTMPs involve the development of customised strategies to meet worker safety standards.

How Does Site Specific Differ From Generic Traffic Plans?

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Generic traffic plans provide a generalised framework for managing traffic in common scenarios. Everything is standardised, from the procedures they include to the devices they use to the risk management processes in place.

Generic TMPs are designed to be standardised, scalable, cost-efficient and comply with relevant regulations. They may also be freely available and easy to access. However, due to the lack of personalisation, they may not be specific enough for many construction sites.

Some important differences between generic traffic plans and site-specific traffic management plans include the scope of the plans, the level of personalisation and customisation, and the complexity and detail. Ideally, both should satisfy the legal requirements for the construction industry in NSW and the rights of construction workers.

Why Site-Specific Traffic Management Plans Are Crucial For Safety

The nature and scale of the construction project determine how much information the CTMP requires. A generic TMP might be perfectly appropriate for a generic situation like minor pavement repairs. The larger and more unique the project is, the higher the likelihood that it will require a site-specific traffic management plan.

Is a site-specific traffic management plan inherently better? While a typical traffic management plan has its place, a site-specific CTMP is designed to meet your project’s needs in a way a generic equivalent can never replicate.

Some questions to ask when determining what sort of plan to use include:

  • Will the traffic management need to be in place for 14 hours or more?
  • Does the work area exceed two kilometres in length?
  • Does the work involve closing off an entire lane of traffic?
  • Are there any visibility issues that could impact road users as they approach the intersection?
  • Will the work interfere with the operation of any permanent traffic signals?
  • These and several other considerations will help you determine what type of CTMP you require.

Failing to implement an effective traffic management plan can have tragic consequences. You want to give your CTMP the highest chance of success, and a site-specific traffic management plan is crucial for safety for the following reasons:

It’s safer

A personalised plan takes into account the issues, risks and traffic hazards of your specific site, such as the layout, access points and surrounding infrastructure. This is much more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t consider the complexities of different sites.

It improves traffic flow

By taking account factors like site layout and the movements of vehicles, a personalised CTMP can identify the best traffic routes and implement the most useful procedures.

It minimises distractions and disruptions

By coordinating with stakeholders like local authorities and businesses, a site-specific plan can minimise disruptions in the area and ensure greater compliance.

It improves communication and coordination

A customised CTMP enhances communication and collaboration among all involved parties, including project managers, contractors, traffic engineers, and local authorities.

Effective Site-Specific Traffic Management Plans with SSTC

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SSTC provides effective personalised traffic management control by providing site-specific traffic management plans, qualified traffic controllers and high-grade equipment. With more than 25 years of combined experience in the industry, we have in-depth knowledge of plans and procedures and how to acquire the right permits and documentation. Our Sydney-based construction traffic management plan services are designed to take the stress off the businesses we work with.

We’re one of Sydney’s leading suppliers of traffic control services, providing not just traffic control workers but equipment such as roadwork signs, cones, bollards, concrete barriers, portable traffic signals, and communication devices, including two-way radios. Our in-house planning division can cover every aspect of the traffic control planning process from start to finish. Skilled in procuring permits and getting appropriate clearances, we can provide clients with detailed traffic management plans, swept path diagrams, vehicle management plans and more.

SSTC are experts in traffic management, security services, and industrial services in Sydney and a one-stop shop when you need to procure the right documentation. We offer competitive rates and a strategic and disciplined approach to every project that sees us get the job done thoroughly and consistently.To see firsthand how a personalised plan can improve the safety of your own construction site, contact the SSTC team for a free quote.

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